Speranza o no per la cura della Sclerosi Multipla?

una cosa mi lascia solo perplessa sulla sperimentazione sulla CCSVI:

si tratteranno pazienti con vero “intervento” e altri con finto intervento: quindi sedati, aperti e trattati sotto “farsa” per capire quanto ci sia un effetto placebo o meno…??

SPERANZA PER CHI SOFFRE DI SM?? o una falsa speranza a favore di….

National Post · Thursday, Jun. 17, 2010

In Canada, Dr. Sandy McDonald (Barrie Vascular Imaging) has personally funded the testing of over 200 MS sufferers using the equipment and testing protocols pioneered by Dr. Paolo Zamboni. The results he has obtained are amazing.

The testing for chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI) poses no risk to patients and the treatment, balloon angioplasty, is well known and low risk. It is not experimental and has been used around the world since 1973. The only people in Canada who are denied testing and treatment for CCSVI venous malformations are those individuals who have been diagnosed with MS.

So why are MS sufferers discriminated against? I think the answer lies in the fact that there are two groups in the controversy over Dr. Zamboni’s “liberation” treatment: those who live off MS and those who live with it. The latter group funds the former group in what is a $6-billion a year MS industry. If a treatment is found for the latter group, what would be left for the group that lives off MS?

MS suffers know the difference between real hope and false hope. Delaying tactics will not deter MS sufferers nor will it silence them.

Linda Hume-Sastre, Ottawa.

Read more: http://www.nationalpost.com/Hope%20those%20with%20false%20hope/3163985/story.html#ixzz0tITcxrGN

Grazie a Luca, che lo ha trovato e inserito in questo forum:

una falsa speranza??

“In Canada la Dr. Sandy McDonald ha personalmente testato più di 200 pazienti sofferenti di sm con il protocollo e l’equipaggiamento usati per primi dal Dr. Paolo Zamboni. I risultati ottenuti sono stupefacenti.
I test diagnostici per la CCSVI non sono rischiosi per i pazienti e il suo trattamento, l’angioplastica con palloncino, è ben conosciuto e a basso rischio. Non si tratta di una cura sperimentale essendo usata in tutto il mondo sin dal 1973.
Le sole persone però in Canata a cui è negato questa diagnostica e relativo trattamento per la CCSVI sono le persone con sm.
Perché tale discriminazione? Ritengo la risposta risieda nei fatti: ci sono due gruppi in questa controversia, quelli che vivono DI sm e quelli che vivono CON la sm. Il primo gruppo si trova nell’industria per la sm e fattura 6 miliardi di dollari l’anno. Se viene trovata una cura, cosa resterà a chi vive in questa industria?
Chi soffre di sm conosce la differenza tra vera speranza e falsa speranza. E le varie strategie ritardanti non intaccheranno la loro determinazione né li ridurranno al silenzio.

Linda Hume-Sastre, Ottawa.


Only one thing leaves me puzzled on trial on CCSVI:

treating patients with true “intervention” and others with fake intervention: so sedated, open and dealt with under “farce” to understand how there is a placebo effect or not …??

SPERANZA PER CHI SOFFRE DI SM?? o una falsa speranza a favore di….

National Post · Thursday, Jun. 17, 2010

In Canada, Dr. Sandy McDonald (Barrie Vascular Imaging) has personally funded the testing of over 200 MS sufferers using the equipment and testing protocols pioneered by Dr. Paolo Zamboni. The results he has obtained are amazing.

The testing for chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI) poses no risk to patients and the treatment, balloon angioplasty, is well known and low risk. It is not experimental and has been used around the world since 1973. The only people in Canada who are denied testing and treatment for CCSVI venous malformations are those individuals who have been diagnosed with MS.

So why are MS sufferers discriminated against? I think the answer lies in the fact that there are two groups in the controversy over Dr. Zamboni’s “liberation” treatment: those who live off MS and those who live with it. The latter group funds the former group in what is a $6-billion a year MS industry. If a treatment is found for the latter group, what would be left for the group that lives off MS?

MS suffers know the difference between real hope and false hope. Delaying tactics will not deter MS sufferers nor will it silence them.

Linda Hume-Sastre, Ottawa.

Read more: http://www.nationalpost.com/Hope%20those%20with%20false%20hope/3163985/story.html#ixzz0tITcxrGN


Une seule chose me laisse perplexe sur le procès sur CCSVI:

le traitement des patients avec une véritable «intervention» et d’autres avec l’intervention de faux: si sédation, ouverte et traitée aux termes “farce” de comprendre comment il ya un effet placebo ou non …??

Espoir pour les malades de la SEP? ou d’un faux espoir en faveur de la ….

SPERANZA PER CHI SOFFRE DI SM?? o una falsa speranza a favore di….

National Post · Thursday, Jun. 17, 2010

In Canada, Dr. Sandy McDonald (Barrie Vascular Imaging) has personally funded the testing of over 200 MS sufferers using the equipment and testing protocols pioneered by Dr. Paolo Zamboni. The results he has obtained are amazing.

The testing for chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI) poses no risk to patients and the treatment, balloon angioplasty, is well known and low risk. It is not experimental and has been used around the world since 1973. The only people in Canada who are denied testing and treatment for CCSVI venous malformations are those individuals who have been diagnosed with MS.

So why are MS sufferers discriminated against? I think the answer lies in the fact that there are two groups in the controversy over Dr. Zamboni’s “liberation” treatment: those who live off MS and those who live with it. The latter group funds the former group in what is a $6-billion a year MS industry. If a treatment is found for the latter group, what would be left for the group that lives off MS?

MS suffers know the difference between real hope and false hope. Delaying tactics will not deter MS sufferers nor will it silence them.

Linda Hume-Sastre, Ottawa.

Read more: http://www.nationalpost.com/Hope%20those%20with%20false%20hope/3163985/story.html#ixzz0tITcxrGN
Merci à Luca, qui a trouvé et ajouté à la tribune:

un faux espoir?

«Le Canada Dr Sandy McDonald a personnellement testé plus de 200 patients atteints de SEP avec le protocole et le matériel utilisé pour la première fois par le Dr Paolo Zamboni. Les résultats sont étonnants.
tests de diagnostic pour CCSVI ne sont pas à risque pour les patients et de son traitement, l’angioplastie par ballonnet, est bien connu, à faible risque. Ce n’est pas un traitement expérimental utilisé dans le monde entier depuis 1973.
Les seules personnes dans Canata mais se voient refuser ce diagnostic et un traitement efficace pour les personnes atteintes de SP sont CCSVI.
Pourquoi cette discrimination? Je crois que la réponse réside dans les faits: il ya deux groupes dans ce cas, ceux qui vivent sur le SM, et ceux qui vivent avec la SP. Un groupe est pour l’industrie n. facture et 6 milliards de dollars par an. Si elle a trouvé un remède, ce que les personnes vivant dans cette industrie?
malades MS connaître la différence entre la véritable espérance et de faux espoirs. Et les retardateurs de diverses stratégies de ne pas affecter la détermination ou de les réduire au silence.

Linda Hume-Sastre, Ottawa.